8 things you can do at any time to boost your memory

Both frequent physical activity and adequate rest are essential for the brain cells to oxygenate and for it to fix the information obtained during the day.
Memory is a complex phenomenon of the mind that allows us to acquire, store and retrieve information , whether in the short or long term. Now, do you know how to enhance your memory?
This main function provides us with a knowledge base to understand the world around us and the events we live through.
Without this skill no one could learn, think, express their ideas or do many of the daily tasks that are part of life.
The problem that many ignore is that, like other body functions, it deteriorates over the years and develops disorders that affect its storage capacity.
Fortunately, there are a number of habits and tasks that can help strengthen it when practiced regularly from an early age.
According to experts, regardless of how old they are, everyone can improve their ability to remember if their right brain starts working as soon as possible.
This time we want to share 8 things you can do at any time of the day to enhance your memory. Put them into practice!
How to boost your memory
Table of Contents
1. Floss
Although it seems to have nothing to do, the daily use of dental floss is decisive in maintaining good brain health.
This is because dental plaque and bacteria that accumulate on teeth are potentially dangerous for brain cells.
They produce an immune reaction that attacks the arteries and prevents essential nutrients from being properly absorbed.
2. Sleep well
A good night’s sleep is essential to boost your memory. By resting the brain works to store memories and get rid of those things that it considers to be waste.
Sleeping 6 hours or less is related to difficulties in achieving concentration and, in the long term, could influence the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.
3. Exercise
The benefits of physical activity are undeniable and are increasingly related to brain status.
Exercising regularly helps improve blood circulation to oxygenate brain cells.
You can also increase the size of the anterior hippocampus to have significant improvements in spatial memory.
4. Dabble in children’s toys
Many of children’s toys are perfect tools for training the brain and improving its skills.
The Rubik’s cube, for example, is good for all ages because it sharpens problem solving skills.
This makes memory , strategies and spatial skills work at the same time, which strengthens the ability to remember .
5. Read a book
The habit of reading helps to eliminate stress and train brain skills without much effort .
This good habit encourages imagination and strengthens memory. So now you know: to enhance your memory, buy a good book!
6. Go to an association to play cards
For those who prefer a more social activity than reading or doing crossword puzzles, a card game is the perfect option.
These combine strategy and memory in a challenge that causes the brain to exercise to prevent cells from dying.
As it is a group game, activity is increased due to the degree of unpredictability that solo alternatives do not offer.
7. Increase your vitamin E intake
Foods rich in vitamin E are essential to protect neurons and nerve cells against the damaging action of free radicals.
This antioxidant has been associated with reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other varieties of cognitive decline.
The foods that contain it are:
- Extra virgin olive oil.
- Seeds and nuts.
- Peanut butter.
- Whole grains.
8. Increase the consumption of omega 3
Another nutrient that should not be missing in the diet to protect the brain is omega 3.
This type of healthy fat, including Docosahexanoic Acid (DHA), has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect that protects neurons and the nervous system.
DHA is a type of omega 3 fatty acid found in foods like:
- the salmon
- the trout
- fortified foods.
Its consumption in the regular diet reduces memory loss associated with age. In addition, it prevents serious cognitive impairments.
These tips help prevent memory wear in the medium and short term . Start incorporating them into your routine and improve your quality of life.